IAHA Cultural Responsiveness One Day Workshop

IAHA’s Cultural Responsiveness Training is highly interactive and centred on an Indigenous framework of Knowing Being and Doing, i.e. what do we need to know, be and do in order to be culturally responsive. This training was developed by IAHA in response to an identified need for practical strategies to strengthen cultural capabilities and enable culturally safe and responsive services that meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


How does Cultural Responsiveness relate to Cultural Safety?

Cultural responsiveness has cultural safety at its core. Cultural responsiveness is what is needed to transform systems; how individual health practitioners work to deliver and maintain culturally safe and effective care. It is innately transformative and must incorporate knowledge (knowing), self-knowledge and behaviour (being) and action (doing). It is about the approaches we take in engaging with people and how we act to embed what we learn in practice. This requires genuine dialogue to improve practice and health outcomes – it’s how we achieve, maintain and govern cultural safety.


Cultural Responsiveness One Day Intensive Training

In one full day participants will get the opportunity to be introduced to the capabilities as referred to in the IAHA Framework and unpack the action-oriented approaches to addressing cultural safety on a daily basis. Participants will walk away with a new awareness to their own cultural identity and an outline of commitment to making personal changes required to create a cultural safe environment for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples.