IAHA actively engage with a range of stakeholders including other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health related peak bodies, governments, NGO’s and Corporates to achieve our vision and priorities.
Through formal and informal partnerships IAHA aims to influence change in transforming the allied health and broader health sector in improving culturally safe and responsive practice, services and programs. As a national body, IAHA also has cultural and professional responsibilities in influencing national health policy and Indigenous health workforce policy with Australian and jurisdictional governments.
Acknowledging that change is both global and local, we work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on developing an allied health workforce and services that are led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, to meet their specific needs. IAHA has developed strong relationships and partnerships with other First Nations groups and organisations in Canada and New Zealand, collaborating on projects and sharing knowledge’s and experiences on developing the First Nations allied health workforce, supports and culturally safe and responsive services.