Workforce Development Strategy

Workforce Development Strategy

IAHA is committed to growing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health workforce, building the cultural safety and responsiveness of the broader health workforce and supporting the current workforce in partnership with members, organisations and communities. IAHA offers professional development, training, mentoring, scholarships and other opportunities. Working in collaboration with key stakeholders is critical to ensure they are providing supports and development that they are primarily responsible for that fosters the aspirations of our members and the broader Indigenous health workforce.

The IAHA Workforce Development Strategy (the Strategy) was developed in 2017, building on member feedback, lessons learnt and stakeholder engagement over many years with IAHA and within the allied health and Indigenous health sectors. The Strategy provides IAHA with a strategic approach to develop, lead and foster critical activities based on the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health graduates, students and the support workforce.


This video outlines Indigenous Allied Health Australia’s (IAHA) actions towards improving the health, social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through the building and supporting the allied health workforce.

The video showcases IAHA members, their stories and experiences and the activities of IAHA in value-adding to education, training, career development and leadership, particularly for members.