Become a sponsor
Sponsorship opportunities for the 2019 IAHA National Conference are now available
Key Reasons to become a sponsor
- Exposure to a national and international audience within the allied health and Indigenous health spaces
- Recognition including acknowledgment and clear demonstration of your organisation’s commitment and support
- Valuable exposure to your organisations services and/or products
- Opportunities to raise your company profile amongst a valuable target audience during this Conference
- Expand relationships and extend your networks with government, business and Indigenous health
- Learn first-hand about the emerging Indigenous allied health workforce
- Inclusion in the targeted marketing campaign
- Attract new client base and maintain existing customers
The 2019 IAHA National Conference and events provides many opportunities for sponsorship participation and is in no way limited. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your marketing objectives and any further ideas you may have on individual sponsorship.
IAHA sincerely thanks the sponsors below who are participating in the 2019 IAHA National Conference, demonstrating their commitment to improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Diamond Sponsors
Ruby Sponsors
Sapphire Sponsors
Award Sponsors
Support our sponsors! We have a lot of exciting exhibitors at this years conference so please make sure you visit them and watch this space for the announcement of an exciting competition regarding our exhibitor space.