The first official graduation for the ACT Health Academy was held at the Canberra Southern Cross Club Woden. Byron Brunhuber (IAHA ACT Program Support Officer) hosted the night alongside CEO Donna Murray. IAHA Patron Professor Tom Calma AO gave the opening address and presented students with their awards.
The graduation celebration was also attended by Marisa Paterson MLA, Member for Murrumbidgee in the ACT Legislative Assembly.
IAHA is incredibly proud of our 2022 ACT Academy Students and what they continue to achieve. It is great to see the confidence and leadership development that they are taking through school-based apprenticeships and Year 12 attainment.
Their successes have been built upon their strengths, including strength of culture, and we are already seeing their impact on others, including relationships with each other, families, and communities. In the workplace, they have positively had an impact on their host employers and other stakeholders.
IAHA hopes many of our graduates will continue their education, training, and employment in health and related sectors. We’ve been privileged enough to hear from our graduates about their aspirations and ambitions, and they have our ongoing support as they pursue their goals, whatever they may be.
IAHA looks forward to continuing to celebrate their achievements, as well as the success of other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in the ACT, who look up to them as role models now and as our future health leaders.
Congratulations to our 2022 ACT Health Academy Graduates:
- Poppy Chalmers
- Djanaya Brookman
- Jorja Brown
Congratulations to our 2022 ACT Health Academy Award Winners:
- Future Leader Award – Poppy Chalmers
- Student Choice Award – Poppy Chalmers
- Commitment Award – Djanaya Brookman
- Deadly Student Award – Olivia Lester