A Profile of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker/Practitioner Workforce and its involvement in Hearing Health Care
You’re invited to participate because of your professional work as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker/Practitioner. The survey closes on Monday 29 November 2021.
Aim of the Study (What is the project about?)
This survey aims to quantify and describe the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker/Practitioner resources in Australia with a particular focus on ear and hearing care in rural and remote Australia. This project is being conducted in partnership with the Australian government, and your responses and suggestions will influence future planning and services for Australians living in rural and remote regions who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Please note: Participation is voluntary. There will be no consequences if you choose not to participate. This is an anonymous survey, and thus your participation in this study and any information you provide will not be identifiable. There will be no way for anyone to know whether you have participated or not, nor what your individual responses were should you choose to participate.
What does participation involve?
You will be required to complete an online survey asking about your personal information including your age, where you live and work and information about the scope of work you perform and would like to perform in the future. The survey is designed to be anonymous; you will not be asked to provide your name or employer. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal from the Study
Participation in the study is voluntary. Any decision to participate may be withdrawn at any time without any reason given. Withdrawal or non-participation can be done without consequences or prejudice. Because of the anonymous nature of the study we will not be able to destroy your responses should you decide to withdraw from the study.
Your privacy
This is an anonymous survey, and thus your participation in this study and any information you provide will not be identifiable. Paper and electronic records will be stored in a locked cupboard at the University of Western Australia for the purpose of this study for a minimum of seven years. Computers with study data will be locked with a password. Participation will be anonymous and thus data will not be identifiable. Data will only be handled by named researchers. No identifying information will be published or released.
Possible Benefits
There is no direct benefit to participating. However, by volunteering you will be helping us understand the current profile and future workforce growth of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers/Practitioners. The results of this study will be made available to participants upon request, and also made available through publications and conference proceedings.
Possible Risks and Risk Management Plan
There are no foreseeable risks associated with the research
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this study please feel free to contact Dr Helen Goulios, helen.goulios@uwa.edu.au.
Link to survey.
Please click on the link below to commence the survey.