Celebrating National OT Week with IAHA Member Tya Fry.

Dalk muwil, nyarringek Tya. Laiurruki Wutyubaluk-an/Gunditjmarakan.
Dalki ngapa ba gugurn ba gukwan ba mim. Dlki Malukmia ngapa ba gugurn ba gukwan ba mim.
Hi all, my name is Tya. I am Wotjobaluk/Gunditjmara women (Western Victoria and South Western Victoria). I pay my respects to the Elders past. I pay my respects to the Elders present.

I grew up on Wathaurong country in Geelong and now live and work on Wurundjeri country

I always knew I wanted to work with other and help others. I wasn’t initially sure it’s what aspect that would be. I researched all the different allied health options, from physio to speech and fell on OT. I loved the holistic approach OT takes. The idea of not simply assessing someone’s movement but making that meaningful with every day practices, allowing them to return to completing activities/task that they need and want to do.

I work within the busiest ED department of Victoria. Supporting patients to return directly home from ED and Short Stay is extremely fulfilling to me. When I am able to support this and patients are extremely happy to be able to go home after what is usually a very stressful time, I feel very fulfilled.

More broadly though, I love that OT is so extensive. From supporting someone to return to independently completing simple tasks, such as their personal care; to teaching a child how to use scissors; to allowing someone to return to an activity that they love to do such a gardening. There is always a new/different way to do something.

OT week means celebrating the broad and wonderful things we do. Not many people understand what OT is, so its an opportunity to promote OT, celebrate what it is we do and come together as one.

October 27, 2022


Posted by: Jessica Schulz