IAHA Yarning Sessions Join Us

Come and Yarn with us!

IAHA understands that the lockdown is effecting us all in a variety of ways, so we want to make sure we stay connected during these times of isolation.  With the beauty of technology we are now hosting regular yarning sessions for our members so you can catch up with us from where ever you are in the country and just have a check in and a familiar face.   These yarning sessions are for networking and sharing information during this time of change and uncertainty hosted by IAHA’s own Tanja Hirvonen and Kylie Stothers. 

These sessions won’t be recorded due to the privacy of anyone who attends and this which allows us all to feel safe whilst sharing information on the day. 

There will be different sessions for our different membership allocations so please check in with dates for the right session for you. Each yarning session is allocated 90mins although the hosts may finish earlier as per their discretion.

Next:  IAHA Student members only                                               17th April 1pm (EADT)

Next:  All IAHA Members                                                                   21st April 5pm (EADT)

Next:  Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Members only     28th April 12noon (EADT)

Please send your details to membership@iaha.com.au and specify which the date and time of the session you are eligible to attend. 

The entry link will then be sent to you on the day of the yarning session.


Please note: This is a platform for our IAHA membership to connect and receive supports and complement other supports you may be receiving. This is not to replace any individual supervision, support or counselling that you may be receiving.

March 18, 2020

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Posted by: Renae Kilmister