Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Cultural Responsiveness Training

Here are some of the most common questions we are being asked about our program:

Is there a demo version available for me to look at?

Yes, if you would like to look at the training before purchasing our course for your organisation or training institute, please book a consultation session with us to discuss further. The Demo version is only available for Levels 1  and 2.

Is there a time limit to complete the levels?

We allow 12 months to complete the levels from the time you begin each course. (we can extend this for an administration fee)

I’m not in the allied health industry; will this course be relevant to me?

Yes. While IAHA is a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation – leading in sector workforce development and support, our primary focus is to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Accordingly, we have designed The IAHA Cultural Responsiveness Training to suit many organisations across various industries to achieve this goal. We use examples related to different health industries; however, we can tailor the course to suit your needs and circumstances. What is most important to us is that you understand the theories and work towards your own cultural experience and translate this across to others.

How is the training hosted for delivery?

At IAHA, we have our own Learning Management System (LMS). This hosting platform allows each participant to receive login details to access their own Student Portal. They can be assigned and complete various levels at their own pace.  You can nominate a staff member to be a Group Administrator who can then enroll your staff and report regularly on progress. This way you are in control of who is doing the training. 

Can I do the levels separately? 

YES! As long as you start from level 1  – there is no reason why you can’t just do 1 & 2 and then maybe do 3 later on or 4 later on. This is probably more optional if you are an individual purchasing for your CPD points or your own professional development. As an organisation you could split your training budget into segments to dot he levels during different times of the year. We can be flexible. 

Can we do Level 4 online? 

This is not something we offer generally however depending on circumstances it might be something we can arrange but would need to split up training times so you didn’t spend a whole day online. It might be possible but we don’t guarantee it. 

Any further questions and pricing options please email us at