IAHA member featured in PM’s celebration of Indigenous Professionals

(L-R) IAHA SRC Member Nicola Barker, Prime Minister Turnball, IAHA Director Matthew West and IAHA Chairperson Nicole Turner
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) attended the Celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Professionals hosted by the Hon. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull MP on the 13th February. Representing IAHA was Nicole Turner, Chairperson, Matthew West, Director, Donna Murray, CEO and Nicola Barker, Student Representative Committee. The purpose of the event was to showcase and celebrate the success and contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders excelling in the professional sphere. Professionals from across various fields shared their story of success to encourage and inspire the next generation of high achievers to fulfil their dreams.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to have met numerous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women who had dedicated much of their lives in trying to close the gap before it was a national goal where that was education, legal issues, science or health. It is extremely powerful and motivating to know there are inspiring people out there already doing the work that soon IAHA student members will be joining to carry on the work. As the next generation having had this experience has allowed me to reflect and acknowledge that there is a long road ahead of us but with our vision and determination we may be able to ensure a better future for our communities ” said Ngemba Murriwarri woman Nicola Barker.
“We were very excited to meet Ken Wyatt the Minister for Indigenous health and Aged Care, this was a very significant moment as Mr Wyatt is the first Indigenous person to be announced as a Commonwealth Minister. Matthew West and I were invited back to Parliament house to meet with other leaders and attend meetings regarding Indigenous issues and Health” said Ms. Barker.
“It is great to see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health professionals celebrated along with many other inspiring professionals. IAHA firmly supports our members and values the unique cultural perspective and holistic approaches they bring to the health sector” said Donna Murray.