IAHA Calls for Mentors

As part of its Online Mentoring Program, IAHA is establishing a bank of mentors from both within and external to the IAHA membership. We are looking for people who are willing to empower someone less experienced to achieve their goals by sharing knowledge and experiences in a relationship of mutual trust.

Do you have skills, experience and/or knowledge that may benefit others? It could be allied health specific or in a number of other areas that can strengthen and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health professionals and students. Valuable areas of expertise may include (but are not limited to):

Advocacy, Cultural knowledge, Building confidence, Building rapport, Business development, Career development, Communication, Conflict management, Cross cultural communication, Cross cultural relationships, Cultural responsibility, Dealing with lateral violence, Dealing with racism, Decision making, Diplomacy, Engaging stakeholders, Evaluation, Finance, Gender specific areas, Goal setting, Leadership – community, organisational and/or personal, Managing people or staff, Marketing, Motivation, Negotiating, Networking, Organisation, Planning, Project management, Public Relations, Public speaking, Resume writing, Setting boundaries, Setting priorities, Stress management, Summarising, Team building or Time management.



October 30, 2012


Posted by: Admin