IAHA MEDIA RELEASE – IAHA Announce 2021 Board of Directors 22 October 2021
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) are pleased to announce that Nicole Turner, Kimberley Hunter, Kirrilaa Johnstone and Elizabeth McEntyre were elected to the IAHA Board of Directors at the 2021 Annual General Meeting, held online on Thursday 21 October.
They join IAHA Deputy Chairperson Maddison Adams, Tirritpa Ritchie, Patty Councillor and Anthony Paulson on the IAHA 2021-22 Board of Directors.
Maddison, welcomed the new and returning Directors saying:
“We congratulate the Directors elected today, and thank all those who nominated, with the result reflective of the quality of nominations we received and the skills and engagement of IAHA members. As a collective, we believe that the IAHA Board will provide the strategic and cultural leadership and governance to continue to take the organisation forward at an exciting and important time for the organisation, as we implement our Strategic Plan and a broad range of activities in the coming years.”
During the meeting, IAHA members voted in favour of several key constitutional changes, ensuring sustainability as an Aboriginal community controlled organisation and elevating the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander assistant workforce in allied health to the full membership.
Maddison continued saying:
“For the Board, these reforms were important to ensure that we stay true to IAHA as an organisation and that we remain a strong, community controlled, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation, now and into the future. The inclusion of the assistant workforce in the full membership reflects the value we place on this workforce, the essential role they play in providing culturally safe and responsive care to our communities, and the important pathway they provide.”
IAHA thank and acknowledge outgoing directors, Dr Stephen Corporal and Dr Clinton Schultz, for their hard work and contributions to the organisation as Directors. We look forward to continuing to work with Stephen and Clinton into the future and wish them well with their future endeavours.
Donna Murray
P: (02) 6285 1010
E: donna@iaha.com.au