IAHA Ultimate Student Leadership Challenge (USLC)

The IAHA Ultimate Student Leadership Challenge

The IAHA USLC is a three-day cultural and professional leadership program that is designed to support students in the development of a wide range of skills and leadership in a health context. Working collaboratively, the students will bring their cultural and professional knowledges to the fore as they develop a management plan in response to a complex case study. The challenge will empower them and fellow health student peers to lead in providing holistic, culturally safe, and multidisciplinary care.

The USLC program is underpinned by IAHA’s Cultural Responsiveness in Action: Theory of Change and IAHA’s Cultural Responsiveness Capability Framework which acts as a tool to support all people working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families, and communities in a strengths-based and culturally responsive way.

The USLC is a learning experience for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health students designed to educate the nation’s next generation of health care professionals.

USLC enquiries – email membership@iaha.com.au or ph (02) 62851010

Support the 2025 USLC and become a Sponsor!

IAHA is inviting you to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to participate in an exciting clinical and cultural exchange of knowledges. 

The IAHA USLC will be promoted through various sectors, including academia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services, allied health and other health professional associations, governments, community organisations, and allied health stakeholders.

A range of sponsorship opportunities will be listed in the sponsorship prospectus for consideration. However, specific or tailored packages can be negotiated. The 2025 IAHA USLC and events provide many opportunities for sponsorship participation and are in no way limited. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your marketing objectives and any further ideas you may have on individual sponsorship.

The 2025 Sponsorship prospectus will be available in the New Year.

View our 2024 USLC Sponsors below!

Barrandhang (Koala)



Biladurang (Platypus)

Wandayali (Echidna)


Guguburra (Kookaburra)


Scholarship Sponsors

Multiple Scholarships

