ii. An organisation is eligible for membership as an Associate Member of the Company if the corporation is accepted by the Board as having a commitment to the Objects of the Company.
iii. An organisation becomes an Associate Member - Corporate upon:
A. incorporation of the Company if the organisation is listed as a Member in the Application for Registration of a Body Corporate as an Australian Company (ASIC Form 202); or
B. approval of that organisation’s application by the Board in accordance with Article 8.
Note: Subject to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), where the company is wound up, a present or past member is liable to contribute up to the guarantee amount to the company’s property: (i) to pay the company’s debts and liabilities and the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up; and (ii) to adjust the rights of contributories among themselves. Subject to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), a past member will not need to contribute: (a) in respect of a debt or liability of the company contracted after the person ceased to be a member; (b) if he, she or it was not a member at any time during the year ending on the day of the commencement of the winding up; and (c) unless it appears to the court that the present members are unable to satisfy the contributions that they are liable to make.