IAHA Professional Development Support

IAHA aims to support the continuing professional development of the allied health workforce. IAHA offers Professional Development support for IAHA members who wish to undertake a professional development opportunity on a case-by-case basis at the CEO discretion. This is inclusive of but not limited to Short Courses, Non-Award Postgraduate Courses, Clinical Placements and Conferences. IAHA members can apply for professional development support by completing an “EOI for Member Support” on the IAHA Professional Development Scholarship Application Form.

The value of the Professional Support and/or Scholarships will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, dependant on what value and items the applicant has asked for as support.

IAHA Graduate Member Professional Development Scholarship

IAHA has five Graduate Full Member Professional Development Scholarships valued up to $2000 each. Graduate Full Member Professional Development Scholarships can be used towards travel, accommodation and registration fees to attend professional Development events or training in Australia or overseas. This scholarship is supported by Epic Pharmacy and is only available for IAHA Full Member Graduates.

Be sure you are signed up for our mailing list so you are notified when applications open.

IAHA Professional Development Support

Indigenous Allied Health Australia aims to support the continuing professional development of the allied health workforce. IAHA offers Professional Development support for IAHA members who wish to undertake a professional development opportunity on a case-by-case basis at the CEO discretion. This is inclusive of but not limited to Short Courses, Non-Award Post Graduate Courses, Clinical Placements and Conferences.

IAHA members can apply for professional development support by completing an “EOI for Member Support” on the IAHA Professional Development Scholarship Application Form.

The value of the Professional Support and/or Scholarships will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, dependant on what value and items the applicant have asked for as support.

IAHA Student Bursary Scheme

The IAHA Student Bursary Scheme is to assist you with purchasing text book/s for your study. Please fill in the form below as comprehensively as possible – the more information you provide, the greater your chance of success. The IAHA Bursary is based on financial hardship and therefore we will require some important information from you. There will be 10 IAHA Bursaries available per semester and we will be taking applications for first semester from 1 January 2020 until they are allocated.

Should you have any questions about this process, please contact IAHA on 02 6285 1010 or email admin@iaha.com.au.


IAHA and the Royal Flying Doctors Service Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Scholarship

The IAHA RFDS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Scholarship is committed to growing the remote and rural allied health workforce and aims to support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander allied health students to undertake a remote or rural clinical placement.

Applications for round 2 close 11 October 2019

"I gained knowledge that I would more than likely never have received while working in a metro area. I made connections and met truly amazing people, was given first hand exposure to how working rural and remotely changes the way services are provided and no matter where you go there is no “one size fits all method”. A major way this scholarship benefited me personally is through my professional growth. My confidence, my communication skills, my belief in myself, truly blossomed during this placement and I personally believe that without coming to Alice Springs, I would not be the professional/person I am today. This experience gave me motivation to complete my degree and gave me reassurance that I will be an OT who works in a rural and remote community" Occupational Therapy, 3rd year student, James Cook University

JCU Centre for Rural and Remote Health, Mount Isa (MICRRH) and IAHA Student Placement Scholarship

As a commitment under the partnership agreement between IAHA and JCU MICRRH, and in an effort to grow an appropriate and skilled remote and rural health workforce, there is an opportunity to create student placements for IAHA members in the Mount Isa region.

Applications have now closed

I undertook a 5-week placement in Mount Isa as part of my 4th year physiotherapy clinical placement and I can honestly say it has been one of the most eye-opening experiences I have had. Throughout this placement I worked at North West Community Rehab (NWCR), situated next to the Mount Isa Hospital, where I assessed and treated a wide variety of patients and conditions. A large percentage of my patients identified as Aboriginal and it was a truly humbling experience to be able to help the community whilst I was there and improve what I could during my 5 weeks. I was given the opportunity to volunteer at the Mount Isa Rodeo, which is the largest in the southern hemisphere. I was treating some of the cowboys behind the scenes, some of which involved manual therapy for whiplash, strapping up shoulders and being able to watch them fly out of the shoots on a massive bull. Also, in my fourth week I was able to trek up to Burketown in the Gulf of Carpentaria (an approx. 8-hour drive North of Mount Isa) where myself and others from NWCR attended a cultural festival. This festival ran across 4 days, consisting of various cultural performances/ workshops by M?ori, Canadian, Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal cultural groups, bands and more. Matthew Hoffman, Fourth Year Physiotherapy Student, University of Queensland