Men’s Health Week 2020 – Yarning with IAHA Member Arthur Pitt (Exercise Physiology)

  1. Who’s ya mob, where ya from and what are you studying/what did you graduate from?

I’m a Torres Strait Islander man and my family name is from the island of Erub (Darnley).I graduated with a Bachelors in Sport Science, Exercise & Health and a Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology

2. Who were your male role models or mentors growing up and why?

The first person was my dad who had an incredible work ethic, then came the Indigenous sporting icons like Johnathan Thurston, Greg Inglis and Justin Hodges. Growing up I never had that academic guidance and there was no path to progressing my knowledge outside of Port Hedland, so I took to the opportunities that arose, and the passion for what I love in health and sport. I pursued this to University to be that guide and role model that I never had in my life.

3. Dealing with COVID-19, what are some positive coping strategies you have picked up during this time to maintain your health and wellbeing?

I have found ways to encourage and maintain movement with myself, my partner and my clients the through use of technology through face-time meetings. It has been a good time for me to work on other parts of my craft like programming for conditioning and new skills I learnt, like juggling with 4 balls.

4. What positive message(s) would you like to share for our Deadly Indigenous Men and Fellas for Men’s Health Week?

I just want to say that exercise is a powerful tool to take control of your life, when everything may feel like it is out of your control during times of recent. Whether it’s walking the dog, kicking the ball at the park with your kids, or running 10km in a virtual running event, you have the power to make small changes every day to better yourself, not only for you but for those around you. We know that physical activity is vital for our mental and physical health for us as Indigenous peoples to this land, so why not be the role model you wish you had to guide the way for a better and healthier future for our mob.

June 16, 2020


Posted by: Renae Kilmister