Photo Recap of IAHA Close the Gap Day Activities
Re-Commitment to Statement of Intent to Close the Gap on Indigenous Health
In recognition of Close the Gap Day 2017, Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) and (AHPA), the peak body representing and advocating for the role of allied health professions, and its member and friend organisations, re-committed to a Statement of Intent to work together to achieve equality in health status and life expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians by year 2030. The Signing of the Statement of Intent took place in Melbourne, Victoria.
IAHA Director (Podiatry), Matthew West was the MC for the event, he delivered the Acknowledgement of Country, recognising the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation.

IAAH Director Matthew West
AHPA Deputy Chairperson Cris Massis spoke on the importance of collaboration noting that we all must do more to reach our targets.

AHPA Deputy Chairperson Cris Massis
Attendees heard from young student leaders who shared their personal journeys and thoughts on why we need to work together to Close the Gap. Representing the IAHA student body was Student Representative Committee Chairperson Kirrilaa Johnstone and Deputy Chairperson Nicola Barker. Emily Burnicle provided her perspective as a non-Indigenous Occupational Therapy student from Australian Catholic University.

IAHA SRC Chairperson Kirrilaa Johnstone
IAHA Chairperson, Nicole Turner recognised the valuable role allied health plays in Closing the Gap. “As Allied health professionals we are diverse and intersect across many sectors including education, community services, justice, aged care, disability and health and therefore we are key players in achieving positive health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Understanding the contribution we can make to close the gap brings with it a sense of shared responsibility to do our part. We firmly believe that we are stronger together and a whole-of-sector approach is needed if we are to achieve sustainable, intergenerational change” said Ms Turner.

IAHA Chairperson Nicole Turner

Group photo of attendees
IAHA Student Members Promote CTG
IAHA Student Members supported Close the Gap Day by holding an IAHA stall at their University.
IAHA members at UQ Close the Gap Day
Next article: IAHA Visits Mount Isa Centre for Rural and Remote Health