External Scholarships & Bursaries

Scholarships and Opportunities

Working in collaboration with members, partners and stakeholders strengthens opportunities to provide alternative professional development, interprofessional learning, education and other supports from time to time. These opportunities will provide additional value to our members and their support their aspirations for success. IAHA will advertise these opportunities in our newsletters, communiques and social media as they arise.

Indigenous Allied Health Australia encourages all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are interested in a career in allied health to investigate the support options available to them. The links below provide you with the tools to find a scholarship or grant that best suits your needs.  It is important to explore available support options to move towards achieving a career in allied health.If you have any trouble accessing scholarship information through the links below, please give us a call on (02) 6285 1010 or email us for assistance.

NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program

The NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program is a key initiative for the Department to increasing employment of Aboriginal people as health professionals. Cadetships enable eligible Aboriginal tertiary students undertaking their first undergraduate degree or postgraduate studies to gain professional health qualifications and experience that will lead to entry to practice upon completion of their studies.

Through the NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program, the Department will employ Cadets who are:

  • undertaking full time study at an Australian university to complete their first undergraduate degree; and
  • have already successfully completed the first year of their undergraduate degree; and/or
  • are undertaking Honours/Masters studies as part of their first undergraduate degree or;
  • are undertaking other postgraduate studies required for entry to practice in a profession relevant to NT Health.


To be eligible to apply for an Aboriginal Cadetship, you must:

  • be of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent;
  • identify as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
  • be accepted as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander in the community in which they live, or has lived;
  • be enrolled for full-time study at a university located in Australia;
  • have successfully completed their first year (8 units) of an undergraduate degree; or
  • are undertaking Honours/Masters or other post graduate studies as a requirement to entry to practice in a relevant health profession.


Further details and how to apply, please visit https://health.nt.gov.au/careers/aboriginal-careers

Contact – Aboriginal Workforce Development, NT Department of Health,  AWD.DoH@nt.gov.au


The Australian Chiropractors Association

The Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) National Study Grant Scheme (ACANSS) is available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people who are studying a chiropractic course at an Australian University. Full-time study grant awardees will receive up to $10,000 per year and part-time recipients will receive up to $5,000 per year. The funding is paid in instalments throughout the study period of the year.

It is an ACA initiative designed to encourage and assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in chiropractic to complete their studies and join the health workforce. ACA has a strong relationship with Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA), the national not-for-profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation, who will be a key partner in the selection and support of the successful candidate.  

Applications close 1 February


Australian Rotary Health - Scholarships

The program is a cooperative program between Australian Rotary Health, Rotary clubs, some State or Territory Governments and the Commonwealth Government.

The value of each scholarship is $5,000 per year. A Rotary Club contributes $2,500 per year and the State or Commonwealth Government provides a similar amount. The Commonwealth Government also provides funding for the administration of the program within the Australian Rotary Health office.


Australian Catholic University (ACU) Scholarships

Australian Catholic University (ACU) – is offering the below Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Only Scholarships (Not limited to Allied Health Only). Please follow the links for more information. 

Francis Xavier Conaci Scholarship – Established in 2016 by ACU Vice Chancellor, Professor Greg Craven, this scholarship is to honour Francis Xavier Conaci, a young Aboriginal man who joined the Benedictines and was sent to Rome for his education. This scholarship will assist an ACU student to attend the UNCC300 core curriculum unit at the ACU Rome Centre. Value – One scholarship valued at $3,000 is available each year, paid in one lump sum.

For more information on the Scholarship Click Here

CRANAplus and the Center for Remote Health Scholarships

Gayle Woodford Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is jointly sponsored by CRANAplus and the Centre for Remote Health.

The scholarship covers all course fees for the Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice, offered through Flinders University.

One scholarship will be awarded annually, for study to commence the following year.

The scholarship will continue for the duration of the Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice. The usual part time study period is 12 months, however recipients may be allowed up to 2 years to complete their course.

Inability to complete the study may incur a financial penalty

Eligibility Criteria
This scholarship is open to registered nurses, Indigenous health practitioners, allied health practitioners and medical officers.

Applicants must meet the following entry requirements of the Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice::

hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution in a health related field.
the Nursing stream must have a minimum of one year post-registration experience and must be currently registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency as a Registered Nurse with no restrictions on practice.
the Medical stream must be either concurrently enrolled in the Doctor of Medicine at Flinders University or currently registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency as a Medical Practitioner.
The Faculty Board may, under certain circumstances and subject to specific conditions, admit others who can show evidence of fitness for candidature.

Working in remote practice is desirable.

*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are strongly encouraged to apply

Applications open 1st February and Close 30th June annually.

For more information about this scholarship Click Here

Ochre Scholarships

OCHRe is a national network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers developing the next generation of health research leaders, who are connected and supported to thrive in research and the academic world, while delivering health research outcomes that have a long-lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of our communities.

OCHRe is made up of four operational hubs which are led by four Lead investigators. These Leads, along with nominated Investigators and support staff from each hub, form an Executive Group which meets monthly to progress OCHRe’s activities.

OCHRe has a wide variety of scholarships on their website that you can fine HERE.