IAHA 2021 Top End Experience (including visits to Darwin and Katherine communities) Dates: Friday 5th March – Saturday 13th March 2021
The IAHA 2021 High School to Health Careers Program (HS2HC) is supported and funded by The Northern Territory PHN Rural Health Workforce Agency (NT PHN RWA). The program is co-designed with members and communities and is aimed at providing a culturally safe and responsive rural or remote experience in the Northern Territory, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health students undertaking their tertiary degree, early career postgraduate studies or their VET qualifications.
The Top End Experience will include an opportunity to participate in the Remote Health Experience Weekend 6th-8th March in Katherine, hosted by Flinders University, NT.
Travel expenses will be covered by IAHA. This includes flights, accommodation and most meals. You don’t need to have experience with remote high school visits, but you will need to:
- be able to speak confidently about your studies and promote health careers to groups and in one-on-one situations,
- be able to conduct a workshop with several high school students at a time demonstrating ‘hands-on’ activities related to your health discipline,
- target and adapt information to different student groups and ensure content is age appropriate and relevant,
- be a strong team player and adhere to the IAHA Code of Conduct,
- be willing to undertake a clinical observational experience and participate in the Flinders NT Remote Health Experience (RHE),
- be willing to travel to local high schools and small remote communities (with the support of IAHA staff) and talk about your journey into your chosen health career pathway.
Students are strongly encouraged to seek permissions from their course coordinators/lecturers prior to applying for the program. IAHA can assist by providing a letter of support to your university or workplace if you succeed in being selected for this experience.
Expressions of interest are now open to IAHA student members to attend this fantastic opportunity. If you would like to participate APPLY NOW.
To apply email membership@iaha.com.au or phone (02) 62851010
For further information on the program contact:
Judy Bell – Cultural Educational Coordinator, judy@iaha.com.au or
Kylie Stothers – Director of Workforce Development, kylie@iaha.com.au