IAHA Consulting delivers Culturally Responsive program using our evidence-based Cultural Responsiveness Framework.
The highlights:
At IAHA Consulting, we have created our very own market-leading cultural safety training using our evidence-based Cultural Responsiveness Framework. We are proud of the uniqueness of this training, as it differs from others on the market. Our training focuses on action-orientated and strength-based outcomes. It is aimed at critical self-reflective practice identifying one’s impact on another. Because of this structure in our Framework, we refer to our training as Culturally Responsive Training, or more formally – The IAHA Cultural Responsiveness Training. The complete program has four main levels with a blend of online and face to face learning options for your ease and convenience. It is a highly interactive course that centres around three driving principles:
- What do we need to know; (knowing)
- Whom do we need to be; and (being)
- How do we transform behaviours and systems to be culturally safe and responsive in meeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s needs. (doing)
We have done extensive research on each topic to provide meaningful and relevant content. Our research is harnessed by lived experience from our highly skilled Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander facilitators within our IAHA network.
What sets us apart:
The IAHA Cultural Responsiveness Training anchors on the “doing“:
- How can we build cultural safety;
- How can we transform and influence culturally safe and responsive care and services practically: and
- How can we remould and lead culturally safe and responsive action that contextualises to professionals, individuals, service providers, and/or organisations by addressing some of these critical points:
- Provide a mechanism for culturally responsive leadership through behaviour and attitude transformation so you can better understand and act upon culturally responsive ways of knowing, being and doing.
- Offer practical, action-based and solution-focused ways forward for you so you can improve your capability to meet the health and wellbeing needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- Be strengths-based, exploring what works and what could work better within your context; and
- Understand cultural safety and the impact of racism on another person and how that affects their health and wellbeing.
Who is this course for:
While IAHA is a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation – leading in sector workforce development and support, our primary focus is to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Accordingly, we have designed The IAHA Cultural Responsiveness Training to suit many organisations across various industries to achieve this goal. We use examples related to different health industries; however, we can tailor the course to suit your needs and circumstances. What is most important to us is that you understand the theories and work towards your own cultural experience and translate this across to others.
So if you or your organisation interacts with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people regularly or have staff or colleague who identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples – so really, all of us! In that case, this course is for you! We recommend that The IAHA Cultural Responsiveness Training course be completed as a starting point to make yourself more culturally aware and your workplace a culturally safe and responsive environment.
Next steps to start the training:
We would love for you to join us, but you may still have a few burning questions. We have created a Frequently Asked Questions page to assist you, which might provide you with further clarifications.