IAHA is calling for nominations to be a member of the IAHA Student Representative Committee (SRC). The closing date for receiving nominations for the SRC will be COB (AEDT) Friday 14 March 2014. The role of the committee is to advise (IAHA) Board of Directors on issues and strategies affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health students.
The SRC aims to build leadership and governance capacity and actively engage students into decision making for IAHA and to:
(a) assist allied health students in gaining leadership and governance skills and experience;
(b) advise the IAHA Board about student issues and concerns;
(c) advise the IAHA Board on how IAHA can assist student members in their journey to become allied health professionals;
(d) give students a greater voice in decision making roles within the allied health sector; and
(e) provide an opportunity for students to actively participate and lead student focused initiatives.
To download a copy of the IAHA SRC Terms of Reference click here. As this is the inaugural SRC, there may be a shorter sitting period (until the 2015 SRC is finalised instead of 1 year).
To download a copy of the IAHA SRC Nomination and Selection process click here.
To download a copy of the IAHA Ltd Constitution click here.
Please complete the following online form if you would like to nominate to be a member of the IAHA SRC.
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