VACCHO 2019 Federal Election Platform
VACCHO is the Victorian peak body for Aboriginal health and wellbeing, with 30 Member ACCOs providing support to approximately 25,000 Aboriginal people across Victoria. On behalf of VACCHO’s Members, they are submitting the enclosed platform to advocate for a number priorities which they are seeking multi-partisan commitment for ahead of the 2019 Federal election.
This platform calls on all sides of government to adopt a suite of policy reforms that will support vibrant and healthy Aboriginal peoples and Communities. Guided by the principles of Community Control and self-determination, VACCHO advocates for reform that focuses on sustainability, prevention and accountability.
Aboriginal health is everyone’s business – for this reason we encourage you to support the policy positions outlined in the election platform through the work of your organisation. Please contact Sinead Medew-Ewen (SineadM@vaccho.org.au) or call (03) 9411 9411 for any enquiries.
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