About IAHA Group Training

IAHA Group Training is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned and operated Group Training Organisation (GTO) that is an innovative, community-led service, tailoring 360 support and mentoring services to ensure engagement, retention and success for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander apprentices or trainees.

IAHA Group Training can provide a stress-free solution by managing aspects of recruiting and employing an apprentice or trainee.

Our services are individualised to ensure our services are delivered in a way that embeds the centrality and a holistic approach to health and develops the technical capability associated with health workforce practice. 

Are you a business looking at employing an Apprentice or trainee?

Our Services

Our team is here to help you get your trainee off to the right start by monitoring training, liaising with RTO’s and providing guidance and support to trainees and supervisors. IAHA Group Training offers the following individualised services:

  • Employment and workforce planning advice 
  • Recruitment, pre-employment screening and onboarding support 
  • 360 wraparound supports for trainees and individualised support plans 
  • Cultural and professional mentoring
  • Management and support of all off the job and on the job training and assessment 
  • Administration of training contracts 
  • Monitoring of training provided by RTO
  • Coordination of all state and federal requirements, including training contracts 
  • Regular site visits to monitor progress and liaise with trainees, host supervisors, and other stakeholders 
  • Monitoring training progress, in collaboration with the Registered Training Organisation partner, and progress reporting 
  • Supervisor support including cultural Responsiveness Training 
  • Support with issues management including attendance and work behaviours 
  • IAHA Group Training recognises and complies with the National Standards for GTOs

Contact us for further information or an obligation free quote.

Read about some of our past students below who are now working in placements since graduating from the IAHA National Academy.

Trainees and Apprentices are one step ahead with work-readiness skills in health and social service careers and can get paid to undertake a Traineeship or Apprenticeship.

Members of:

  • National Aboriginal Employment Network (NAEN)
  • Apprentice Employment Network ACT & NSW


  • Western Sydney Local Health District
  • South Western Sydney Local Health District
  • NT Health